How to Align Team With Company’s Vision


The key to the success of any business is a clear-cut company vision. A company without a vision is like a ship without a helm, which is almost impossible to steer. Founders of any company ensure they define the company's vision much before starting it. It is this clarity that makes it easier for them to prepare strategies and create goals, all of which align with the vision of the company.

Merely founders having clarity of the company’s vision is not enough - it is essential for the entire team to not just know, but also align themselves with the organisation vision. But the key question is - how to align the team with the company’s vision to ensure business growth?

Let’s find out more about the actionable items you can implement to ensure you and your team are on the same page when it comes to the overall objective and vision of the organization:

How to Align Team With Company’s Vision

Make the Vision Known

You cannot expect your team to know the company vision unless you have made it clear to them. Likewise, merely introducing them to the vision isn’t going to help either. When it comes to communicating the vision, two aspects are essential - frequency and consistency. The greater the exposure to the company’s vision, the better will be the retention and the will to align with it. Make it a point to put across the vision in different ways - whether it's discussions, emails, presentations, or the company website.


Lead By Example

If you want your team to follow business goal alignment, you must first follow it yourself. Set the tone right by being willing to put in the effort you expect from your team. The perspective and mindset shift among employees will help tremendously, and they’ll be more than eager to follow in your footsteps. Once you start seeing results, make sure you reward them as well. Positive reinforcement is a great way to promote vision alignment among team members.


Stick the Vision

The organisation vision is a steady rock - it should not waver and change with every passing scenario. When the company vision is unwavering, it is easier for the entire team to know what to stick to, irrespective of the situation. Ensuring the vision is clear and steady also helps develop systematic work approach, which in turn, helps with steady business growth.

Consider Feedback

You may have carefully formulated the vision for your organization, but not every member of the team may agree with it. In this case, you can always consider feedback from your team so that you know exactly what they think about the company vision and management goals. It would also help you understand why they are unwilling to align their efforts with the vision of the company. Addressing these gaps is much easier once you know the reasons for the lack of commitment to the company’s goals and vision. Feedback forms are the best way to get anonymous yet authentic feedback from your team.


Summing Up

A steady company vision helps organizations strategize a systematic business growth roadmap. To ensure this roadmap is a success, you need to have your team onboard as well. If you’re looking for a business strategy advisor, feel free to reach out to us. At beWise, we help clients not just formulate a business growth direction plan but also ensure vision alignment. Seeking help at the right juncture can contribute to tremendous business growth!


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